Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Brief Update

Hello. This is the Yianas' friend, Galinda. I, like most of you have been waiting for news about our beloved Theo. I, like you, have been cautious about trying to contact the family, because we all know the difficult road they are all on right now. Eleni and I have exchanged brief texts. I thought I would share this one, because it has a lot of information and wonderful things to celebrate. 

From Eleni, Sunday at 6:56 PM

Hi everyone! Thank you all for your notes, texts and phone calls during these past few weeks while Theofanis has been recovering from his transplant and please forgive us for not keeping you fully up to date in his progress. It has been over two and a half weeks of extreme emotions and exhaustion for us. We have not had the energy or time to make any blog updates either. My goal is to write something tomorrow night when we are all home. Yes, that's right. The plan is to go home tomorrow! The days following the transplant were very difficult for Theo. Fevers, extreme pain. mouth sores, swelling, itching, rashes, vomiting and other things you do not want to see your child suffering through. Then, a week after the transplant, his fever lessened and there were signs that his new stem cells were taking over! Last weekend, his counts shot up and have stayed strong ever since. And, NO infections!!! Theo was released to Ronald McDonald House on Wednesday-- a full week EARLIER than anyone expected. (By the way, Wednesday was the feast day of St. Nectarios, the saint for cancer. He had his transplant on St. Demetrios and discharged on St. Nectarios!) The doctors confirmed that he did great! So, we had a mad scramble to move up our house cleaning schedule since he was now going be home early. Per doctors orders, we needed to get the house sanitized from carpets to walls and air ducts to air purifiers. It is now all done and ready for him to come home! so today, the family is hanging out RMH (yes,with the girls, too) and tomorrow morning he foes to clinic for labs and then home. We are all extremely happy that we are all together! God is guiding Theofanis through this battle and helping him fight the best he can along the way. Thank you everyone for your prayers and love!

I am so grateful to read this wonderful news and to share it with those of you that are following Theo's progress. I love each of you- Theofanis, Eleni, Dean, Demetra and Sophia. My prayers are forever with you. I can't wait to celebrate with you all. Theofanis' fight reminds me of the verse from Isaiah 40:28-31.

The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. 
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Theo you will win and soar on wings like eagles!


  1. Eleni and Family -

    Words cannot express my relief and joy at this wonderful news. Enjoy every minute with each other during this special time. Prayers of Thanksgiving from WI.

    Psalm 147:3
    He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (NIV)

    God Bless!!!

    Shelly Johnson

  2. So glad you can all be home again together. Such a blessing. Praying for continued strong counts and infection-free tomorrows!

    With Hope,
    Carrie Stotz
    (Aidan's mom)

    P.S. Aidan said he can't wait to meet Theo. He wants to kick the soccer ball around with him. What a sight that will be!

  3. This is such great news and we are all optimistic and hopeful!!!

  4. Thank you for posting! I was checking everyday and hoping for an update. Good news!
