Mr. George Nassis
Chairman, "Taste of Greece"
Chairman, "Taste of Greece"
Fall Glendi 2011
St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
Elmhurst, IL
Dear George,
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish to thank you for the time, effort, and hard work you have demonstrated in successfully organizing and executing what was simply a brilliant event. As chairman, you quickly assembled and arranged a wonderful group of people, adroitly delegated where necessary, and followed through in every department during the event. So many people came up to us with effusive praise for our Parish and marveled at how a community can come together to show the love and devotion for their children.
We all must take a moment and truly consider what was accomplished this past weekend, not only for the worthy cause of creating awareness for childhood cancer, and, specifically, for Theofani, but also for the fact that, as a Parish, we can genuinely work together to carry out God's will and work together for each other as a family. Not only was it one of the greatest events in our Parish's history, but we would offer that it was a time that will stand forever in our collective Greek Orthodox community in Chicago and nationwide. All others, going forward, can recall your efforts and what was achieved as a shining example of all that is good and virtuous. It is our hope that all will take this example and make it a precedent of future endeavors.
Our thanks also to Father Andrew and Presbytera who have tirelessly supported us through this and who worked so hard along with you to make this event successful. Thank you also to the committee chairpeople and all the incredible volunteers for their time and devotion. As we noted on stage Saturday evening, there are no better parishioners than ours at St. Demetrios, and it shone no brighter than at the Glendi. We can't tell you how many visitors to our Parish felt and said the same thing. Further, we would like to thank Dimitri Pagonis and the Parish Council for their leadership and Dominick Vassos, who co-chaired this event, for his help and hard work.

Kosta and Eleni Yianas
I wanted to share with everyone how special Theo is and how this "experience" does have some good in it and I believe God has a plan for more good to come out of it.
ReplyDeleteMy companion and family pet, Rena (who is a Rottweiler) had to be put down suddenly last week due to lymphoma cancer. She was not even 5 years old. She was a member of our family and a beautiful creation of God!
Our family was extremely devastated and still is. Theo found out about this and made a beautiful string of beads to honor her and our family. These are the same beads he gets at the hospital. As you all recall, the smooth beads represent the good days, the bumpy beads represent the tough days, and the courage bead represent the courage we had to have to show when we put her down. Her name and my name are on the piece (which I consider a piece of art and will refer to it as that from now on)
I will put a photograph of it in the next comment when I get home.
Sometimes we feel silly for being this devastated over a dog, but Theo was able to reach out and I think God gave this gift of empathy to him through his experience. He experienced cancer and he knew Rena had cancer and decided to do something about it. He made me feel like it was not silly and OK to grieve. It really helped. There are not too many kids who would do something like this and this I believe is God working through this Theo and this experience.
This piece of art is pone of the best gifts if not the best gift anyone has ever given me. I will cherish it forever. Thank you so much.
On a side note, Becky emailed us and I wanted to share her email
" I took cupcakes to Sacred Heart this morning to celebrate Theo's great report. One of the men there had a package all ready for me to mail to Theo. Everyone was very happy to hear that his procedure went so well."
All our Love (and thanks),
Frederick Chang & Family
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ReplyDeleteHere is a picture of the art Theo made that I wrote about above:
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